Action Comics #252 for Sale
next up..
I got a pretty bashed up copy of Adventure Comics #397 from 1970 but I just had to have a dress up issue. Its a supergirl thing. If they do change her costume I hope they have a few extra pages of wacky designs.
and Finally
Copies of Supergirl 0 were going for the exact same price as my next deal. I got 4 issues of Superman/Batman which included the gender swap issue featuring Superlad and the Girls Night Out issue for the same price they wanted for the same reprinted story
Other issues I got include the 1997 pulp heroes Supergirl annual with the Legion. (there is still one left), Some Michael Turner variant covers (I just love sellers who don't know what they have is more expensive than what they are selling it for), and I've put in a bid for the famous Christmas with the Superheroes. All in all a good day and even with delivery none of these comics were as expensive as a modern comic. Considering most of us can only get to the limited back issue bins at the local store and not to conventions I think we can agree Ebay is a godsend.
(there are some Adventure Comics issues still going for 99p exc. P&P on Ebay Uk and remember to check if the seller will combine postage on mulitple items or do discounts.)